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    Facial Injections

    Facial injections may be used for a variety of medical and cosmetic treatments. Botox® is an injectable that can be used for both purposes. It is commonly used for migraines, spasmed muscles for cerebral palsy, and wrinkle-reducing aesthetic procedures. Injected into the muscles in the affected areas, this treatment can range from mildly uncomfortable to very painful. Treatment sessions require multiple injections. There are many other common cosmetic facial injections, such as Restylane® Juvederm®, Perlane®, and other Hyaluronic fillers. Buzzy®’s patented combination of vibrator and ice pack are FDA-cleared for cosmetic injections, as Buzzy® has been clinically proven effective at reducing pain for needle procedures and injections.


    For Botox® Injections
    For hyperhydrosis injection pain from Botox, place Buzzy® on the site to pre-numb for 15-30 seconds. During the procedure, place Buzzy® between the brain and the pain. On the palm, pre-numb, then slide Buzzy® toward the wrist for the injection.

    On the face, press Buzzy® to the bone nearest the injection for best pain relief. The dermatome for the forehead comes downward straight from the scalp line, so place buzzy between the hairline and the injection. Make sure the bottom of Buzzy® is pointing toward the needle or device with the switch end pointing away. Buzzy® Mini has an indentation on the bottom end, showing to “put the shot near the dot.”

    For Botox® in spasmed muscles for Cerebral Palsy, pre-numb 30- 60 seconds then slide proximally in the same dermatome.


    For Cosmetic Injections
    For injections of Restylane®, Botox®, Juvederm®, Perlane®, and other Hyaluronic fillers, place Buzzy® on the site to pre-numb for 15-30 seconds. During the procedure, place Buzzy® between the brain and the pain. On the face, press Buzzy® to the bone nearest the injection for best pain relief. The dermatome for the forehead comes downward straight from the scalp line, so place buzzy between the hairline and the injection. Make sure the bottom of Buzzy® is pointing toward the needle or device with the switch end pointing away. Buzzy® Mini has an indentation on the bottom end, showing to “put the shot near the dot.