Dental Injections and Dentistry

Dental injections famously instill fear. Buzzy pressed against the mandible or maxilla on the injection side reduces pain, and new research supports that it may even help with fear. Allowing patients to hold the device can provide some control and distraction, assisting with their overall level of comfort and anxiety.
Four peer-reviewed publications demonstrate Buzzy's effectiveness during injections, including one meta-analysis against DentalVibe and the Vibrational Anesthesia Device (Blaine Labs).
“The effect size for the Buzzy tended to be higher than that for the other devices. Overall, vibratory stimulation was significantly effective: self-rated pain." "Buzzy was the only device that reduced anxiety."
- Ueki S, Yamagami Y, Makimoto K. Effectiveness of vibratory stimulation on needle-related procedural pain in children: a systematic review. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep. 2019 Jul;17(7):1428-1463. PMID: 31021972
One study, titled, "Effect of a Vibration System on Pain Reduction during Injection of Dental Anesthesia in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial," concluded that the "bee-shaped device [that] consists of a main vibrating body and two removable ice wings," is an "effective alternative in reducing experienced pain and fear in children undergoing infiltration dental anesthesia."
“Combining external cold with vibrating devices might be effective in reducing discomfort and fear in children undergoing infiltration dental anesthesia,” noted another: "Efficacy of external cold and a vibrating device in reducing discomfort of dental injections in children: A split mouth randomised crossover study" also found that children experienced a significantly lower heart rate and FLACC scores stating potential effectiviness in reducing discomfort and fear.
“External cooling and vibration had a significant effect on reducing injection pain during dental treatment.”
- Bilsin E, Gungormus Z, Gungormus M. Efficacy of external cooling and vibration on decreasing the pain of local anesthesia injections during dental treatment in children: A randomized controlled study. J Perianesth Nurs 2020 Feb;35(1):44-47. PMID: 31564620
Conclusion: “Buzzy® can reduce pain and anxiety during local anesthetic delivery for various dental procedures.”
- Suohu T, Sharma S, Marwah N, et al. A Comparative Evaluation of Pain Perception and Comfort of a Patient Using Conventional Syringe and Buzzy System. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(1):27-30. PMID: 32581474
BITE WING GAG REFLEX RESEARCH: Anecdotal use suggests that placing Buzzy on the temple allows the 7-8% of patients who gag with bite wing X-rays to tolerate the exam without gagging. The chemotactic trigger zone responsible for gagging has been shown to respond to vibration, and the mechanical stimulation of Buzzy may be transmitted through the skull to the CTZ. Published Dentists interested in formally testing this hypothesis please contact us.